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CarolynRandolph LLC
Colorpuncture Self-Care Classes
Class 1: Listen to Your Body's Signals and Activate Your Dreams for Healing
This half-day class (4 hours) teaches the Esogetic perspective on the "signals" that the body is relaying with specific pains or discomfort in different areas. Instruciton is also provided on hot to treat specific areas of the body with Esogetic oil and light to stimulate dreaming. These dreams can offer healing insights and life guidance. Cost: $60.00
Class 2: The Esogetic Sound Therapies: Healing Yourself with Sound
This half-day class (4 hours) introduces the unique Esogetic Sound Therapies designed to support healing of certain physical issues and also to support movement of subconscious information into conscious awareness for the purposes of mind/body healing. Cost: $60.00
Class 3: Colorpuncture for Me and My Family
This one-day class (8 hours) introduces participants to methods and use of colored light frequencies to support the body and mind's natural healing processes. It offers basic instruction in several Esogetic Colorpuncture acu-light treatments that can be used on oneself, family members and friends to help resolve issues of pain, stress, immune weakness, sleep, digestion, exhaustion, and more. Cost: $110.00
Class 4: Introduction to the Esogetic Crystal Therapies
The unique and beautiful Esogetic Crystal tools are used to support soul and spirit healing in the Esogetic system. This one-day class (8 hours) introduces the basic design theories of these crystal tools and teaches several introductory crystal treatments. Cost: $110.00